Tuesday 14 January 2014

A Critical Analysis of Stephen King's "On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft"

Image by Fabio. Used under  Creative Commons License.

Have you ever considered a career in professional writing but didn't know where to start? How does one become successful as an author?

In his book On Writing: A Memoir Of The CraftStephen King, the author of several best-selling horror novels, tells the story of his first paid work as a writer. Through personal anecdotes he also touches upon key principles of successful professional writing, such as being aware of one's audience and learning from existing works to help develop one's own voice. King's personal style occasionally comes through in snatches of dark humour and he uses his attention to detail to keep the reader enthralled with his tale. While this memoir may be aimed mostly at his existing fans, King provides some useful advice for any aspiring writer, drawing from his own experience of several decades in the field.

King's style throughout this piece has been carefully chosen to fit his audience; knowing that the majority of people who read the book likely enjoyed his other works, he eschews the formal, textbook-like style that might be best suited for teaching people how to write in favour of an informal, narrative-based memoir format. This style is more likely to please fans of his previous work while still allowing him to develop themes around the importance of knowing one's audience and various other writing tips. By striking a balance between a tutorial and a novel, King is able to keep both fans and budding authors happy.

Though Stephen King's experience makes him a good choice to write a memoir dealing with professional writing, his choice of format, namely that of a memoir, makes it more difficult to learn about how to be a successful author than if the same material was presented in a more conventional textbook or manual. While the material is certainly interesting and helpful, those looking solely for a manual on how to write professionally may want to look elsewhere.

King, S. (2000). On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft. New York: Scribner.

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